You’ve probably heard about pH in a variety of settings, from skincare to general health, but have you ever given it any thought in relation to the health of your intimate areas? Maintaining the right pH can make a big difference in how you feel day-to-day. But what exactly is pH and why should you be concerned about it?
pH is a measurement of how acidic or alkaline (basic) a substance is, measured on a scale from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral. Anything below 7 is acidic, while anything above 7 is alkaline. Vaginal pH normally ranges from 3.8 to 4.2 which is acidic. It is caused by lactobacilli bacteria, which reside there and secrete lactic acid.
This acidic environment creates a protective barrier against harmful bacteria and yeast to maintain the balance of healthy microorganisms. By keeping the intimate area’s pH at the proper level, you can avoid infections and promote comfort and wellbeing. However, several conditions, including the following, can alter the pH balance in the vagina.
Disruption or imbalance of vaginal pH may cause discomfort and may even lead to infections. Thus, it’s crucial to keep the pH balance in the vagina healthy. Here are a few recommended practices for personal hygiene.
Now, you have a deeper understanding of why pH matters and how you can take steps to ensure it remains in balance. Keep these insights at the forefront of your personal care routine, and enjoy the benefits of a well-balanced and healthy intimate area.
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